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Updates on LTA advancements
Total design Blimp and several indoor Blimps
The end of 2023 was marked by custom blimps and in several cases completely new techniques and technologies that we had to adopt. Further improvement of the nacelle for outdoor blimps as well as finding new ways to print polyurethane.

Great blimp and fantastic logo
In August 2022, we worked on a 2 m indoor RC Blimp for the hockey team from Nashville. We also installed a dropping mechanism for dropping caps, t-shirts, flyers,... It turned out great, so make sure your logos are effective.

Blimps made in the last months of 2021
Last months of the last year where busy making several Blimps. From standard 2 m indoor RC Blimps to 4.5 m custom made. The clients where Accenture, Bristol University, Navan New Portal from Accenture, … and more.

Great looking Logos on Blimps and internal RGB light
There are several techniques for advertising on Blimp envelopes. Self-adhesive banner foils, banners made of ultra-light material for flags and our favorite - airbrush directly on the envelope. With special colors and airbrush technique, we manage to get the impression that the logo is another "skin". We have been developing this airbrush technique for several years since Polyurethane is extremely ungrateful for painting – It simply resist to receive and accept paint. Now after years of experience we manage to paint blimps of 10 and more meters. It all depends on whether you want a permanent logo or change it as needed, so you choose the logo technique that suits you. In order to make our Blimps as attractive and noticeable as possible, we have developed and adopted the technique of placing RGB lighting in the center of the envelope. The effect is remarkable especially at dusk and at night. The power consumption is minimal and hardly affects the air autonomy of our Blimps. This is one of the options on our blimps that you can choose to be set.